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Skills Workshops

In 2011, Sustainable Thornbury held a series of public skills workshops and demonstrations to give everyone the opportunity to do things differently or to try something new. Since then we have done more in 2014 and 2016. Apart from being fun, creative and saving money, we believe these skills will make us more resilient and could become important in a world without oil. 

The topics we chose would enable people to make better use of their resources by re-using, saving energy, repairing, recycling and preserving and included clothes, food, cooking, gardening, cycling, and health. Hints and tips on some of these topics can be found on our Hints and Tips web pages.

Skill Up Days 2016

We ran a series of skills workshops in May and June of 2016, like the very successful workshops in 2010, 2011 and 2014. The workshops were open to the public,including older children accompanied by adults. Each workshop lasted 2 to 3 hours.

The topics of the workshops are:

See also the poster and flier.

Places cost £10 for one workshop, or £8 each for 2 or more workshops per person, except for the composting workshop. Under 18s paid half price. This cost included refreshments, except for the composting workshop. 

Food preserving

Remodelling clothes

Making chutney Remodelling clothes
Triple necklace Bike Maintenance Workshop
Jewellery made from recycled materials Bike maintenance
Natural Cosmetics Workshop Jewellery from Scrap
Making natural cosmetics Making jewellery from recycled materials


Four events were run in 2011:-

We have now tried out the new Kilner jars. They can be used for bottling fruit, but only using the water bath method. See our Food Preserving page for details.

Remodelling your clothes

Our first workshop was an exciting opportunity to remodel your clothes with Janine from Custard House Clothing in Bristol. Janine showed us how to change old clothes into something modern and stylish by cutting and sewing. Participants were invited to bring along something they would like to remake or remodel and get ideas & help to get started. Janine also showed examples of her customised work to inspire everyone.

The remodelling clothes workshop

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Making a Hotbox

On 19th February 2011, our workshop was about making hotboxes. Hotboxes are slow cookers that need no fuel to cook with, like hayboxes, but using modern insulation. Find more information about them at the HotBox Co website. Participants were able to cut out, sew and stuff their own hotbox to take away with them. They also had a simple soup lunch from soup made in hotboxes. 

Hotbox workshop

Sewing the hotboxes

Hotbox workshop participants

Workshop participants

Hot box

A finished hotbox

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Skill-up Day 2011

On Saturday 21st May 2011, we offered a range of workshops all on one day, called Skill-Up Day. 

See the printable flier (PDF 96KB) and Booking form (PDF 7KB).

Four different workshops were on offer on 21st May:-

All the skill-up day workshops took place at the Chantry, and lasted for about two hours. 

Workshops cost £5 per person (under-18s £1, Sustainable Thornbury members £4) which included refreshments on arrival. For people booking two workshops, tea/coffee was be available and there was space for picnics at lunchtime. During the day participants were also able to purchase items and materials at the bike maintenance, herbs and toiletries workshops.

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Food Preservation Day 2011

Saturday July 16th 2011 was Food Preservation Day, where people learnt to make jam, produce chutney or bottle fruit and vegetables. 

Preservation is about keeping your summer garden surpluses and cheap seasonal produce for times when there is not much in the garden or on the allotment, and seasonal produce in the shops is expensive or imported or both. It is fun and satisfying to have your own preserves – they taste better and save money too. Hints and tips on food preserving can be found on our Hints and Tips pages, including details of how to use the new Kilner jars for bottling fruit.

Experienced preservers of food were on hand to demonstrate how to do it. Participants were able to see what to look for and ask questions, to take advantage of summer produce to have a go. 

The venue was St Mary's Church Hall. The cost was £6 (£5 for ST members, £1 for under-18s), refreshments included. The workshop ran from 9:30am to 1pm.

We have now tried out the new Kilner jars. They can be used for bottling fruit, but only using the water bath method. See our Food Preserving page for details.

Testing the jam

Checking the jam

Bottling the chutney

Bottling the chutney

Sealing the chutney

Sealing the chutney

Skill Up Days

We ran another series of skills workshops in May and June of 2016, like the very successful workshops in 2010, 2011 and 2014. The workshops were open to the public, including older children accompanied by adults. Each workshop lasted 2 to 3 hours.

See also the poster and flier.

Here are some pictures of the workshops:-

Food Preservation Workshop

Bottling plums
Herbs For Healing
Herbs For Healing Workshop
Bike Maintenance Workshop

Bike Maintenance Workshop

Cosmetics from Natural Materials

Cosmetics From Natural Materials Workshop

Jewellery from Waste

Making Jewellery from Recycled Materials

We had a stall in Thornbury on Saturday 7 May 2016 to advertise the workshops.

Workshops stallWorkshop stall display

Workshops stallWorkshop stall display

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