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Caring about the future of our community
in Thornbury and the surrounding villages

ST Bulletin

July 2013


The main item in this bulletin is the first Thornbury Warm Homes Trail. This Bulletin also includes news about:

Warm Homes Trail

We are holding a Warm Homes Trail event on the weekend of Sat 19th to Sun 20th October in Thornbury and the surrounding area. This will be similar to Bristol Green Doors, in that modern and old homes with interesting energy features will open to the public. This will be an opportunity to see how other people save energy and money, and to talk to them about the benefits and problems. Please put this date in your diary.

If you think you have some interesting features, such as a wood-burning stove, heating controls, insulation, draught-proofing, solar panels or triple glazing, and you would like to open your home, please email warmhomes@sustainablethornbury.org or ring Raymond at 852015.

We will also need volunteer stewards to help at the event, supporting householders and co-ordinating. If you are free to help please email or ring Marian at 412165.

The Energy Project

In addition to the Warm Homes Trail, we have started some other work on:-

  • helping The Chantry to improve their energy efficiency. We have done the survey work and have funding from South Glos Council for assessing the options;
  • looking at tidal power at Oldbury;
  • supporting the M48 windfarm.

AGM report

The AGM elected Brett as secretary, Paula as treasurer and Felicity as membership secretary. We thank all the outgoing officers and the new officers for taking this on.

Mailing lists

You are receiving this ST Bulletin because we have you listed as a member of ST or we believe you are interested. If you do not wish to receive the bulletin in the future please unsubscribe.

Proposed M48 windfarm

As you will have seen in the local press, REG Windpower want to build two big wind turbines close to the junction of the M4 and the M48 near Olveston. They have now applied for planning permission. There is a very active opposition group OWAG that has distributed leaflets and has been sending a stream of letters to the Gazette. The planning application (no. PT12/4071/F) can be seen on the South Glos website and you can respond there. Contact Alan or ring 01454-416778 for help.

We are excited that Bristol Energy Co-op has signed an option to buy the windfarm if it gets built. This means local people can invest in and have a stake in the windfarm. There will also be a very generous community fund to support local community projects.

Thornbury Give'n'Take website

Don't forget the Give'n'Take website and to tell your friends about it. There is some interesting stuff on there, but most people don't know about it. The idea is to find new homes for useful but unwanted things that you would otherwise throw away. Everything is free. 

We think it is very easy to use. You will need to register to use the website. You choose a username, so you can be more or less anonymous. You can either post things you have, or things you want. The taker then normally collects the item, but you can arrange to meet somewhere.

Discussions and planning

The next three meetings are on Wed 24 July, Wed 28 August and Wed 25 September. These meetings will mostly be planning the Warm Homes Trail.

We have discussions and plan what we are doing at meetings on the fourth Wednesday of most months at 7:30pm at The Chantry. The first hour or so is often a talk or general discussion that we call Sustainability Forum. Then we have a tea break and talk about what the project groups are doing. All are welcome.

Grow Your Own Food

The Grow Your Own Food group has a meeting most months, usually on a Thursday at 7:30pm. The next session is a garden visit to 44 Castle Street on Thu 11 July, and there is an orchard practical morning on Sat 20 July at 10am. Click here for meetings after that or ring 01454-412165. The Grow Your Own Food group also has an email group; to subscribe email gyof-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


Fri 5 July: Training for organising the

Wed 10 July: S Glos Environment Forum, 7:30 to 9:30pm at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre. Topic: the Severn Vale landscape. Email sustainability@southglos.gov.uk or call 01454 863870 if you would like to go.

Thu 11 July: Grow Your Own Food group - 7:30pm. Garden visit.

Wed 24 July: ST general meeting, 7:30pm, The Chantry.

Wed 28 Aug: ST general meeting, 7:30pm, The Chantry.

For more dates see the website diary page.

Contact us Thank you for your support 

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